Thursday, July 8, 2010

Epigenetic ground rules

In my research, focusing on Cultural Anthrolopology and Social Psychology, I found that a number of assumptions emerged that allowed me to think of a developmental model for organizations. These ground rules point to factors that permit or hinder development in organizations.

Assumptions in “putting development into Organization Development”

• Human groups are self organizing systems.

• The mechanism for this self organization is group size. (population)

• Cultural behaviors (language, rites, rituals, kinship relationships, leadership, etc) exist in all human groups.

• The culture and size of a group is a direct result of interaction with the environment in which the group exists; physical, economic, and technological.

• As groups, in what ever context, grow in size, they face developmental challenges.

• If they master the challenge, the group is able to successfully re-organize at a more complex developmental level.

• If not, they encounter difficulties in functioning as an organization