Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So What?

Why would a developmental model that describes organizations at many levels of complexity be valuable? Some thoughts:

• Understanding the variety of environmental, leadership and structural requirements of groups to flourish at each level of development could be a critical tool for OD consultants.

• Leadership is not static. If, in fact, humans rely on leaders to self organize, then being able to map the leadership needs at each level of organizational complexity would guide selection and development of leaders.

• An important aspect of an epigenetic model is the ability (or lack) of a group to master a developmental “crisis”. As groups move naturally from one developmental stage to another, recognition of these helps make sense of what this group needs to work on, and if they have the resources needed to progress.


  1. The epigenetic developmental/ theoretical model sounds like something that could change more than OD: if molded to our government and political "environment" it could be truly transformational.

  2. Elizabeth:
    OD is the starting point for this model.
    I'm looking for feedback from as many people as possible to see how it may or may not apply to other applications.
